New Zealand in 2300AD


This page details the status of New Zealand in 2300AD both for general game use and for play in GG2.


  1. Maps
  2. History
    1. Pre Twilight War
    2. Twilight War
    3. Post Twilight Wat - 2300AD
    4. 2300AD - 2303AD
  3. Economics
    1. GG2 Statistics
  4. Military
    1. Military Budget
    2. Ground Military
    3. Wet Navy
    4. Aerospace Force
    5. In System Space Force
    6. Interstellar Space Force
  5. In System Holdings
  6. Extra Solar Holdings
  7. Five Year Plan


Under Construction.


Under Construction.

Pre Twilight War

Under Construction.

During the Twilight War

New Zealand was physically undamaged in the Twilight war and due to its remote location even escaped the worst of the fallout. The virtual shutdown of international trade (not to mention the loss of many of its main trading partners) however had a devastating effect.

Although well able to feed itself New Zealand had little domestic heavy industry and was completely reliant on imported machinery for its agriculture and fuel for its power stations and vehicles. Thus while the sheep and the crops were undamaged the tractors and refrigeration plants slowly began to fail beyond the local ability to effect repairs and the fuel stocks began to dwindle.

Draconian emergency measures were required to maintain a viable infrasturcture but overall most New Zealnders though themselves lucky.

New Zealand's nearest neighbour Australia was however badly hit by the war and any semblance of national government soon disappeared as the country fragmented into a number of effectively independant regions around the major population centres. New Zealand and Australia had always had close ties and New Zealand offered what assistance it could to the "West Islanders". This aid was effectively limited to the east coast (New South Wales and Victoria) and consisted of the provision of food and medical assistance and occasional military aid.

This assistance allowed the survival of at least some form of organised Australian society and aided the eventual recovery 40 years later of the east coast of Australia. It also gave New Zealand access to limited amounts of salvage from the ruins of Australian heavy industry and raw materials stockpiles (which their former owners could no longer use). While these were not enough to replace the loss of international trade they were sufficient to maintain the infrastucture of the country.

During this period the naval forces of the two nations were effectively combined (although they always retained their national identities). The joint force was used to patrol the sea lanes between Australia and New Zealand and to escort merchant shipping as trade began once more.

Post Twilight War - 2300AD

The Pacific trade was the first to recover. Japan was desparately short of both food and raw materials with New Zealand and Australia having a limited surplus of both. As a consequence trade between the Pacific nations was quickly reestablished and safeguarded primarily by the combined New Zealnd/Australian and Japanese navies.

The close ties between New Zealand and Australis were maintained throughout with numerous joint ventures and cooperative arangements.

New Zealnd did not however join Australia in the resurgent space programme in the middle of the 21st century. Just as the initial investments were being made New Zealand had commited itself to a massive development of geothermal (Rotorua) and tidal (Cook Channel).power. As a consequence New Zealand has effectively no deep space or interstellar capabilities (although an officer exchange programme has seen several RNZN and RNZAeF - Royal New Zealand Navy and Aerospace Force - officers serving in the RASF - Royal Australian Space Force).

New Zealand has no interstellar colonies of her own altough many New Zealanders can be found in the colonies of both Australia and Great Britain (and in smaller numbers thoughout most of human space).

New Zealand in the 24th Century remains a mainly agricultural nation with limited heavy industry and a varied and capable light industry and service sector. While not at the forefront of high technology New Zealand maintains a high tech economy and has a well respected educational and research reputation (particularly in the renewable energy field).

Second Treaty of Waitangi

While New Zealand's physical and economic appearance has not undergone any radical changes since the twentieth century the social and political organisation has. In the years following the Twilight War the nation was too busy coping with day to day survival to invest in any major political upheaval.

Once the situation had stabilised however New Zealanders found that political structure they had inherited no longer suited the social chnges that had gradually occurred during the recovery. The European model of government was widely viewed to have failed when it self destructed in the Twilight War. This coupled with the massive ecological and environmental damage had led the majority of the population to adopt an attitude to land and community more typical of the traditions of the native Maoris (with their respect for and stewardship of the land) than the English settlers.

This shift was reflected in the Second Treaty of Waitangi (the first between Great Britain and the Maoris had brought New Zealand into the British Empire in 18??). The Treaty confirms Maori rights to land illegally annexed following first Treaty and lays out a revised political and legal framework for the whole country. Local government is split into three, at the base are a town council and a Maori council, both covereing the same geographical area. Individuals can belong to either and are governed by the relevant laws and may use the relevant facilities. At the regional level council representatives form a joint body to provide facilities required by both communities. All taxes are raised at the local level and passed up to the regional body. Costs of joint projects is normally apportioned on a per capita basis.

There are similar arrangements at national level. The National Parliament has three houses, one for each community to decide national policy for the relevant group and a joint Council representing the nation as a whole.

The legal system parallels the political with community and joint courts at both regional and national level. A national constitutional and appeals court arbitrates where there are disputes between courts and acts as a court of final appeal for both systems.

Membership of each community is not based on race, indeed the majority of Maori council members are caucasian rather than Maori (in so far as such definitions are applicable after nearly 500 years of inter marriage). An individual can belong to either or both communities (although they will be liable to be taxed by both). This decision is officially made when majority is reached at seventeen (until which time the child belongs to whatever community their parent is a member of - for parents from different communities the child is considered to be a member of both).

In practice there is very little day to day difference between the two communities and an outsider would be hard pressed to tell the two apart - in many cases even an insider can have difficulty. The main differences occur in the legal arena. This is mainly down to differences in the resolution of disputes and land rights. The Maori community hold all land in trust for the whole community - an individual can have the use of land but cannot own it. The european community have the normally property rights derived from English Civil law. Land can be transferred between the two communities but this requires the permission of the regional council for small parcels and the national councils for larger areas. In practice land is almost never transferred from Maori ownership and only occasionally into it.

The Queen of England remains the nominal Head of State of New Zealand (the UK Prime Minister Sir Nilesh Solanki was instrumental in mediating negotiations on the Second Treaty of Waitangi).

2300AD - 2303AD

Under Construction.


New Zealand remains a primarily agricultural nation has a considerable light industrial and service sector.

There is a medium ship building facility in Aukland and several smaller facilities elsewhere. There are also servicing and refit facilities for larger vessels.

GG2 Statistics

The economic statistics for each of the countires in GG2 have been modeled by Steven Alexander based on the 2300AD rulebooks and standard economic modelling techniques. More details can be found on his Web Pages.

All the data are from Version 5.0 of the Economic Model and are Copyright Steven Alexander 1996, 1997. StatisticValueUnits Population Labour Force Employment Rate% Unemployment Urban Population% Urban Labour Force Rural population% Rural Labour Force Literacy% Literate Poulation Illiterate Population College Educated% College Educated Agricultural Labour Unskilled Labour Skilled Labour Service Sector Labour Male Life ExpectancyYears Female Life ExpectancyYears OutputNew Rudell Units Service Tech Index MFG Tech Index Info Tech Index Weighted Info Tech Index World Industry% Agricultural Demand Index Industrial Demand Index Industrial CapacityRudells Agricultural Output% Agricultural Production Agricultural Trade Domestic Agricultural ValueLivres Export Agricultural ValueLivres Mineral Output Mineral Production Mineral Trade Mineral ValueLivres Export Mineral ValueLivres Power Production% Power Production Power ValueLivres Export Power ValueLivres Total Exportper Capita Total Output ValueLivres Total earnings ValueLivres Expoitation V Earnings PPP Based GDPLivres GDP Rank GDP Per Capita Exchange RateLocal to Livres National Budget Budget Rank Budget as % of GDP Per Capita Budget National Development National R and D Discretionary Budget


New Zealand has maintained strong defence ties with the Australians ever since the Twilight War and most of the military equipment is purchased from, or in cooperation with, their nearest neighbours.

Military Budgets

The economic statistics for each of the countires in GG2 have been modeled by Steven Alexander based on the 2300AD rulebooks and standard economic modelling techniques. More details can be found on his Web Pages.

All the data are from Version 5.0 of the Economic Model and are Copyright Steven Alexander 1996, 1997. StatisticValueUnits Military Budget Per Capita Military Budget Militrary % of National% Ground Force Budget Per Capita Ground Force Ground Force Manpower Ground Force Adjusted Power Aerospace Budget Naval Budget Per Capita Naval Naval % Naval Procurement Naval Procurement % Wet Navy Procurement Wet Navy V Space Navy Total Space Navy Procurement In System procurement In System V Interstellar Interstellar Procurement

Ground Military

An isolated island nation New Zealand only maintains limited ground forces although it does have several air and sea transportable units allocated to support their Australian allies and antarctic territories.

Royal New Zealand Navy

As an island nation New Zealand's premier armed force is the Navy. The RNZN's primary tasks are the defence of the main islands and antarctic territories and the patrol of territorial waters and major trade routes.

Royal New Zealand Aerospace Force

The RNZAeF protects the airspace above New Zealand and maintains only air defence, interface, maritime patrol and supporting aircraft.

In System Space Force


Interstellar Space Force


In System Holdings

State holdings in orbit are limited to communications and obsservation satellites (and these are leased from and serviced by international corporations). New Zealand has however purchased an option to lease facilities on a number of Australian orbital platforms in support of a proposed colonial programme (see below).

Extra Solar Holdings

New Zealand presently has no extra solar holdings apart from embassies on Tirane and the major colonial worlds. New Zealand is however in negotiation with both Australia and America to found a colony on Avalon at DM+25 2402 in the American Arm. As part of this effort options to either purchase or lease a number of courier and freighter vessels are being investigated.

The Five Year Plan

Under Construction.

Version 1.01


Copyright J.M. Pearson, 1998